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Health and safety coordinator- Jean Maetche

COR Certified

Member of Complyworks

Member of ISNetworld

McNeil Construction Ltd.  is committed to providing safe & healthy working conditions & promote a strong safety culture within the company.  Our vision is the elimination of work related illnesses & injuries.  We believe our employees have a fundamental right to a healthy & safe working environment.  By promoting a positive safety culture we raise the visibility of the Health & Safety program in the workplace

  • Along with management  the employees need to promote safety through performing work in a safe & efficient manner.

  • Take all reasonable care to prevent work related accidents, through recognition, evaluation & control &, wherever possible, the removal of hazards.

  • Conduct employee orientations with an emphasis on safety

  • identify workplace hazards & take timely corrective action

  • Communicate health & safety responsibilities

  • To help maintain a safe workplace by representing all employees interests regarding health & safety

  • To promote workplace health & safety, & encourage a positive attitude & methods that will lead to improved physical & mental health.

  • Information & knowledge are powerful tools to support prevention initiatives.  Through reducing hazards and elimination risks in the workplace we may enjoy a healthy and safe environment

  • We believe the forests should be healthy & productive for generations to come.  By retaining a positive environmental balance, the forest will continue to provide economic & social benefits for our company, our employees & our communities.

Risk management matrix chart with pen an

McNeil Construction is committed to protecting the environment & to maintaining public health & safety during all phases of construction & logging.  The company does so on behalf of its employees & on behalf of present & future generations of Canadians.

To meet this commitment, McNeil Construction will:

  • Responsibly manage all aspects of business in order to meet recognized environmental standards & legal requirements.

  • In the absence of legislation, apply cost-effective best management practices to minimize risks to  the environments

  • Review on a regular basis, company performance with respect to the environment

  • Work with clients in the development of equitable, effective & realistic standards for the protection of the environment

  • Develop guidelines & codes of practice to assist in the implementation of this policy  & promote employee awareness

  • Undertake appropriate review of operations to ensure compliance with this policy



The transportation & handling of dangerous goods involves some health, safety & environmental risks.  Summit transport a division of McNeil Construction, has developed comprehensive programs & emergency response procedures to help mitigate these risks.  ​

Our risk mitigation programs include:

- Ongoing health & safety training & orientation for all employees

- Root cause analysis & mitigation for all reported incidents

- Extensive training for employees involved in handling dangerous goods


Safety: Products


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